
O.O.O Out Of Office, a virtual place in a real circumstance. O.O.O. comes to life after work in the workplace with the mission of producing shared moments, promoting culture and exhibit art through a smoothie of visual, sound and participatory suggestions both live and in any other part of the world through the opening of the event to the network. The cornerstone of O.O.O's vision is that of artistic promotion in the round with respect to emerging cultures and "not conventional. " O.O.O wants to offer itself as a moment of sharing and fun, it wants to be an opportunity to "unplug" for all those who populate the offices of the innovation poles and for all those who decide to spend the "after work" inside the spaces of the former O.M.R or on the net using streaming or podcasts. O.O.O wants to be a monthly, midweek review that offers inside the pavilions live performances, musical selections, workshops, debates and experiments in general.