
The Collegio San Carlo di Modena Foundation is a private training and research institute that performs functions of public relevance in the cultural field, with particular attention to philosophy, human and social sciences and religious sciences. Through the International School of Advanced Studies, the Foundation promotes research activities in the humanities with doctoral and specialization courses for European graduates supported by scholarships. Through the College, which is part of the Conference of University Colleges of Merit recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Foundation offers services, training activities and support for university studies. The Cultural Center and the Center for Religious Studies offer in-depth courses on philosophical, political, social and religious themes, relevant for the understanding of the contemporary world, divided into conferences, conventions, workshops, theatrical performances and publications. In addition to these activities, the Foundation promotes a program dedicated to philosophy with children, aimed at stimulating, in the youngest children, the formation of an autonomous and responsible thought. With a view to supporting individual study paths, the Foundation also makes the patrimony of its specialized library available to researchers, students and citizens. The constant development of its activities has allowed the institution to develop an autonomous, articulated and organic cultural project, capable of addressing, with specific methods and languages, to all age groups. For this reason too, the Foundation presents itself today as a place of cultural reflection of an original character, in which academic research is not released from civil commitment and specialized languages ​​coexist with the dimension of public disclosure and discussion.